Monday, October 25, 2004


  1. unpleasant physical effects following the heavy use of alcohol.
  2. a letdown, as after a period of excitement.
  3. a vestige; a holdover: hangovers from prewar legislation.


i believe today is dedicated to two of the meanings of the word. tho the first one is thank-fucken-gawd starting to wear off already. why is it that i never learn that maccas run is a really, REALLY bad idea? grh.

note to self: when dolling up as a post-overdose-mia-wallace (or anything other that makes you look like a beaten up crack whore) remember to wash the make-up off before going to bed.

man, if i looked bad yesterday, you should have seen me this morning. without the wig the make-up looked even worse. freaked the shit out of me when i walked past a mirror!

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