Tuesday, June 21, 2005

tales from finland

there are moments in life, when you don't know quite how to take things. and then you point and laugh. long and hard.

i went to sauna with my mum, straight away on sunday. there we are, walking into the finnish official temple of relaxation and serenity in the basement of our house. carrying a towel in one hand and a dry apple cider in the other.

mum rushes into the sauna, while i'm trying to get out of my clothes, that still carry the dust and grime of several different continents, not even mentioning filthy airports. as i turn around to follow her, i face the most weirdest sight i have seen for a long time. mum has just stepped out of the shower and she's pulling on a fur winter hat before stepping into the sauna. fur winter hat. sauna. wtf?

"oh you little brat you, don't you dare laugh. there is a perfectly sane explanation to this. really!" well, i'm already well into pointing and laughing to the point that my tummy hurts and it's difficult to stand still on the slippery shower floor. heh. crazy mum. apparently, she get's a headache from the big heat difference in the sauna, so she wears a winter hat to prevent that. and apparently the winter hat works too.

funny as fuck anyhow. a fur winter hat in a sauna. this time she's really lost her marbles. love her tho. my mum rocks.

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