Wednesday, June 08, 2005

fairy tales

"Once again the little princess found herself sitting at the window, buried deep into her thoughts and staring at her red shoes. She realized that the window shelf she had been sitting on all along was the throne she had been looking for. But no matter how comfortable it had felt for a while, in her mind the window shelf was already turning into a throne that was too high, too wide and too hard all at the same time. The little princess sighed deeply as she took off the last pair of shoes she owned and placed them on the window shelf next to her. She wiggled her toes in the sunlight and it felt quite refreshing. The little princess knew that she would be free as soon as she took that first step, but for the first time in her life she hesitated. Secretly the little princess longed for someone to come and put the red shoes back on her little feet. “But that,” she thought as she focused her eyes on the distant horizon “I shall never admit to anyone.”

- The Restless Little Princess

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