Friday, September 02, 2005

oh glorious friday

heh. i think i am going to like this job. again, it's friday and we're drinking white wine and cranking out good tunes in the office. and better yet, dolling up for a free company piss-up. again. sometimes life just kicks arse. and thank gawd this time someone elses.

funny thing, editing ppls images. i get images that need a lot of work before they can be put on the website. i clean them up and make em all perty and still, every person thinks that *their* pic looks bad, where as everyone else's looks so friggen good. "but... but i look like i have three chins!" "why do i look so fat?" "oh i look so ugly in that pic!" heh. there's only so much a graphic designer can do...

nearly got bitch slapped today. cracked me up:
she: "oh god, i hate that picture! i look so ugly in it!"
me: "dude, every-fucken-one says the same about their own pic."
she: "yeh but... why didn't you like photoshop it or something?"
me: "erm... i did..."
she: "B I T C H ! "

now my dear bunnies, i shall doll up, skull down this glass of white wine and to quote a dear friend of mine "rock out with my (non existing) cock out".

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