Saturday, September 24, 2005


i'm sorry abt the radio silence bunnies.

i haven't felt comfortable blogging lately. some ppl still too closely involved seem to read my blog occasionally. yes, you three legged battleslug, in case you're reading this, it definitely means you. not entirely comfortable with that idea.

as i said before, you should never ask questions you don't want to hear the answers to.


i've met someone. someone who treats me like a princess, showers me with compliments and makes me feel like a goddess. which is lovely.

that's all it is at the moment. it might turn into something. let's see. a bit too cynical to expect anything earth shattering but you know me. i always am.

everything is good as long as i don't hear the little door behind me close. cause as soon as it does, there i go bolting again.


at the moment however, i should be concentrating on my essay abstract which is due only too soon. this uni/work thing is starting to get pretty bloody hectic.

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