Sunday, September 11, 2005

i heart sydney

ok bunnies, i can't help it. even tho i'm fully aware of the fact that i'm prolly repeating myself to the point of boredom, i have to say it: this city is just the most amazing place on this planet(*).

i just can't get enough of it. there's something truly magical about sydney.

i did a jog along the waterline around the botanical gardens all the way to the opera house and back. amazingly beautiful day, the park filled with happy people enjoying a perfect lazy sunday. and there i was, gasping my breath and waiting for my pulse to calm down enough to be able to head back, while admiring one of the biggest landmarks in the world.

i jogged all the way back smiling and enjoying the endorphin high mixing with the euphoria of the present moment. once again, i am happy.

(* naturally limited within the places that i have actually experienced so far)

1 comment:

Soon said...

Given that I've been here for only about 24 years - my entire life - I can't disagree with your assessment of the place.