Friday, July 08, 2005

grah. not much better

well, it wasn't bad enough to require yet another pair of shoes, but not quite right either. back again tomorrow and let's see if they get it right on the 5-6th time.

this london bs is fucked up. i can only imagine what kind of hell this shit raises. i better not wear my bling-bling lingerie to the plane now, or it's rubberglove action for sure at the security check. i just hope that this doesn't mean that i'm spending 12hrs at heathrow on my way back to sydney. cause heathrow must be one of the worst shitholes on earth.

to cheer myself up a bit, we're going out tonight. i'm dragging miss s. and her friend with me and i think tira and eg should be joining up as well. let's see who else shows up.

bunnies, things can only get better...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Terrorists should be shot. Hang on, I suppose that is how it all started in the first place. I think Al Qaeda's PR dept need to rethink their strategy "How do we get world support fellas? I know, let's bomb London and kill/maim heaps of innocent poms and tourists"

