Thursday, September 09, 2004

you gotta love the city!

ooh, before i forget: the printmaking collaboration assessment went great! yay for us!
just came back from the city. jonwah dragged me out to go and see exhibition opening in performance space and i ended up having a great time.
vicky brown's installation made me smile and feel good. i enjoyed listening as well as playing with the stuff she was displaying.
i was a bit iffy abt the video works tho. for some reason my attention span is really fucken short when it comes to video art. which is actually pretty weird since i do video myself. you'd think that it would make me more interested and more tolerant towards other people's video work, right? wrong. i hate most of the video works i see. the thing is, i think there needs to be a pretty fucken good reason for a video piece to go on for longer than the magical 3 mins. if it's any shorter than three minutes, it seems too short and if it's any longer it feels like a fucken endless drag. unless it's *really* good that is.
i really liked sam smith's video piece. it was visually impressive, had a cool idea and a nice play between the image and the sound. going through it with jonwah afterwards made me a bit less certain abt the way the sound was in/out of sync with the image. but i think i still liked it. it worked and it was short enough to be an enjoyable experience that i would like to go through again.
the other video pieces had serious issues with length (i thought so anyway but jonwah liked most of them). i think they would have worked out way better as a looping video installation, but showing them one after another and being forced to sit there for the whole duration of the work was a major turn off for me. unfortunately.

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