Wednesday, August 18, 2004

referencing the past

i'm doing this heaps fun collaboration project with paul (a brilliant printmaker from my class) and in it we are referencing to all the previous works we have done (yehyeh, i will definitely have to sneak in few titties and nipples on the plate) . that made me think that real life is kinda like that too: the person we are today is just a collection of references to our past.

boobies 2004 - a series of three etchings
tit, the perfect date, all i need
it's funny how we pick up lil things here and there and merge them into our lives and personalities. it might be a song, a saying, a recipe, a bad habit, a taste for something, anything. people we meet, places we visit and moments we experience. they all end up leaving their lil marks on us and altering the person we are. the tiniest lil thing might end up having the biggest difference on the long run.
i guess what it means in the end is that if i'm happy today, i have no reason to regret *anything* that has happened in the past. not that i would anyway. i don't believe in regrets. i believe that it's more useful to think before you do or just learn to live with your decisions what ever they may be.

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