Thursday, August 04, 2005

a happy lil chicky

today, it happened again. for the first time in a while.

i was walking home from work, and it suddenly hit me: that stupid grin with the euphoric rush of feeling good. that sudden 'i am happy' feeling, not triggered by anything external. that ever so satisfying realisation of the happiness in the present moment. right here. right now. i am happy.

no. there no boy behind this. i'm not high or drunk. i did not win the lottery. nothing like that. everything is just really very good. everything is working out. uni, work, social life. everything. (okok, still dun like the idea of being celibate, but hey, it wouldn't be the first or the last time. besides, sexual frustration does wonders for creativity.)

i am content. i don't need anything that i wouldn't already have. anything else that comes along, is a bonus, not necessary.

en tee mitään
laitan luurini kiinni
en kaipaa rakkaitani
enkä toivo että joku minua kaipaisi

mulla on vain yksi huone
se ei ole kovin suuri
syön silloin kun tulee nälkä
yleensä aina samaa
ja juhlin liikaa jos mua huvittaa

pitkään se vei
vihdoin voin sanoa
ei ei
ilman ehkä jään
niitä jotka taakse jää

olen onnellinen
olen onnellinen
olen onnellinen
onnellinen nainen

scandinavian music group - onnellinen nainen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Must have been one helluva coffee you had this morning.
