Thursday, May 26, 2005

wondering - 21 days to go

the locals seem to fully appreciate the creativity that we finns put into our swearing and cursing. these are the favourites so far:
  • "draw a cunt over your head and flee for the mountains"
    (veda vittu paahasi ja pakene vuorille)
  • "your mum copulates with reindeers"
    (aitis nussii poroja)
  • "even a rat has a hole"
    (reika se on rotallakin)
  • "face like the elephant's cunt"
    (naama norsunvitulla)
now i need help bunnies, which other sayings would be good translated?


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't "draw a cunt..:" be "pull a cunt..."?
I'm particular to sikavitunsaatana, which I've never managed to translate satisfactory.
- Alceste Gray

tp said...

sarianna: that's a tricky one to translate. the beginning is easy:

"it's as tricky as fucking a flea:..."

but the rest?

"...a mill off and you hit the eye" ?

ac: yeh well, in this case i'm using draw as a synonym of pull. i just thought that it sounded better with "draw".

heh. i can see what you mean abt the translation difficluties... "pig-cunt's-satan" doesn't quite do the trick. neither does "satan of the porkycunt"

sorry mate, can't really help you with that one...

Anonymous said...

How about "Your father was a candle"

I bet you can translate that yourself..

Anonymous said...

"voi vittu ja vitun ikenet"

"voi vittulan väki"

"voi vittujen kevät"

Posting soon from a suburb (not so) near you. ;)