Friday, May 06, 2005

fin: asia sarjis

olen hihitellyt aamukahveeni vaaraan kurkkuun tan haihatussarjiksen kanssa jo useampaan otteeseen. suosittelen lampimasti.


JaG said...

What is that??

tp said...

it's a finnish comic blog.

unfortunately you have to speak the language to get anything out of it :|

Mikko Moilanen said...

Do you really have 39 pairs of shoes? It probably tells why your other blog is named "starving art students".

Anonymous said...

Waiting for
picture gallery of shoes =]

tp said...

actually, to be honest... i have 40 pairs of shoes now. just bought a new pair yesterday :P

Mikko Moilanen said...


tp said...


Mikko Moilanen said...

That was it. Huh, you are really scary.

Anonymous said...

So no pictures? =\

tp said...

oh, it's a lot of shoes to photograph. maybe someday...