Sunday, July 23, 2006

good girls and bad ideas

i haven't been running for the past few months since deviant provides me with exercise aplenly as it is.

however, miss pearl has planted this insane idea in my head.

see, you know those lists that you built in the back of your head? the ones about the things you want to do before you die/get too old? yeh, those. well, mine has had 'run a marathon' on it for quite a while. don't ask me why.

last week miss pearl told me that she is planning to run half a marathon in september, and suddenly that stroke me as a good first step to be able to tick one more thing off my list.

while my current 'exercise program' might be enough to keep me fit looks-wise, i don't think it provides me with the fitness level required for caning down 21kms. hence the jolie method* (also now sworn on by kelly brook) has to be combined with some running.

the only problem atm is that its winter in sydney. while the days are warm enough and the temperature is actually ideal for running, the problem is that it has been really rainy lately. fuck running in rain. that'd fuck up my ipod. and i couldn't possibly run without agro music. but today was perfect. even though its the coldest time of the year, its abt +20c and the most beautiful sunny day outside.

i just came back from my usual 9km jog to the opera house and back. mind you i have to admit that it wasn't easy. i thought i'd die after the first 15 mins. but then i switched my playlist from rammstein to presets and took it a lil bit easier for the next 45 mins. now i feel like i could conquer the world.

but run half a marathon? well, that requires some more practise me thinks. hopefully tomorrow is a nice day aswell...

such a good lil girl i am.

( * = while still married to billy bob thornton, angelina jolie told in an interview - and i quote - 'sex keeps me fit'. plus i remember reading an article about 5 minutes of active sex equaling to 15 minutes of jogging being the operative word. so no bunnies, i don't think starfish quite cuts it.)


Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be easier to run a half marathon without a bottle of Vodka or bubbles floating around in your gut?

Or is that the new training method for youngish Finnish girls desperate to prove they are still young and indestructable?

Look forward to hearing of your latest adventures!


tp said...

my dear bunny, we can't make things too easy, now can we?

mind you, if i really want to make it, all i need to do is set deviant with a bottle of vodka waiting for me behind the finishing line... ;)

Anonymous said...

judging by your past comments re Deviant I would have thought following him in the race would be a carrot enough for you to run to the ends of the earth.

Big softy.
