Wednesday, July 12, 2006


bunnies, i fear i have been quite the slacker lately. as far as blogging goes that is.

usually i blog while i'm spending a quiet night at home or when i'm bored shitless in the office. well, lately i've spent all my freetime with deviant and i've been very busy at work.

no excess time = no ranting between the shoeboxes

i'll try to be better in the near future. so let's see, what is there to catch up?

oh, received my uni results for the past semester. yeh, i kick arse. first semester ever when i managed to score a clean streak of high distinctions out of every single assignment. pretty sweet, huh?

i'm preparing material for the exhibition in italy atm. that should be cool.

also, i'm doing a collaboration installation with an artist mate of mine. it's been in the back of our heads for a few months and he emailed me the other day with an idea. i got inspired as fuck straight away and the project seems to be getting off. i reckon this one will be *really* good. will keep you updated.

pretty arty hey? heh. that reminds me. friggen deviant. he's made a habit out of calling me 'o famous one'. cunt. really need something good to get back at him.

in general: life's sweet as fuck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweet as fuck is good!