Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Shopping list

You know what bunnies? I'm starting to think that when ever I buy shoes, I should buy at least two pairs of the same!

Every time I find a pair I *really* like - you know those shit hot every day shoes you find every now and then - I wear them out in less than a year and never find a replacement pair.

My gorgeous black rmk stiletto pumps are a perfect example. They go with everything, look shit hot and are even remotely comfortable to wear. I've been fearing that the left heel is about to give in and today I felt it start wobbling while walking. My favourite pair is on its way out the door.

[Insert here immense sorrow and sobbing]

To my surprise and joy, I found rmk still advertised the shoes on their website, so I might have a slight chance of getting a replacement pair after all.

If I'm able to find a store that still stocks these beauties, I'm ordering a pair in each colour and the black ones in double!

I also really liked the look of these shoes and think I'll have to add a pair (or two?) of them on the shopping list too...


Anonymous said...

I will never understand the constant desire for shoes. Shoes I own - elastic sided boots and a fucked up pair of adidas.

tp said...

Anonymous: I assume you're a bloke? ...tho not an aussie one if you don't also have at least a pair of thongs...

Anonymous said...

You assume correctly. However I am aussie and do indeed own thongs. Perhaps I just don't think of them as 'shoes'.

tp said...

Oh! Such blasphemy!

How could you not when they're practically the national shoe of Australia?