busy busy busy
bunnies, it has been a good week.
i've been working two jobs, as i started the new one this week. the position at the new place feels like its made for me, so i really hope it will turn into a full time position soon.
i've still done my old job for the other three days of the week, and it just seems so very boring compared to the new place. i've outgrown my role so badly that all it does is bore me to death. i can get my whole day's tasks done in about half an hour, and the rest is boredom galore.
i've started reviving my creativity and it feels very refreshing. i've been doodling and gluing in bits and pieces into my little black book, and for some silly reason i'm quite excited about it.
i discovered a new ambition in me and i'm in process of trying to engage writing on a more professional level. i had a couple of short art essays published last week and the beast of lyrical exhibitionism is starting to grow stronger.
and on a completely different front, i have - surprisingly - been in daily contact with deviant, despite him embarking on his half-a-year fishing mission.
i wasn't expecting to hear from him for a while, but instead i've been receiving messages or phone calls every day ever since he left.
slightly confusing, but he sure knows how to make me smile. i received this pic yesterday. it looks like boring his arse off sitting on a rock and staring at a bloody balloon has already started to play on his poor lil brain. i reckon he's delusional and thinking he's a pirate.
or maybe this was in reference to the following message declaring that he was in fact bored and required a delivery of finnish meat for biting purposes.
sometimes men can be like teething puppies: gnawing and biting everything they can get their hands on. quite adorable.
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