Sunday, April 30, 2006
must have item of the day:
tell you what bunnies, i really like deborah kelly.

"advertising is everywhere, as familiar as the unconscious multitude of representations of heterosexuality. 'hey, hetero!' hopes to infiltrate the form and language of advertising and invest it with unsettling agency. it's cultural dissidence in a shiny new frock."
deborah kelly, artist/ writer

BEWARE OF THE GOD - deborah kelly. limited edition artist multiple by sydney artist deborah kelly created for the mca exhibition interesting times: focus on contemporary australian art.
mount it on your gate; impress your neighbours! scare off uninvited visitors and superstitious burglars!
etched aluminium, enamelled (120mm X 55mm), includes solid brass screws. signed and numbered.
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Saturday, April 29, 2006
more on graduation
let's start with the good bits. i already showed you the highlight:

i can tell you bunnies, it was love at first sight. i figured that after i throw on that bloody black tent and the silly hat, the only thing that shows during the catwalk strut, is my heels. mind you my mates were betting on how far down the red carpet i'd get before tripping over. but i pulled it off. which was a bonus.
but naturally there was also a dress:

the ceremony itself was quite hilarious. it was like something straight out of harry potter with these fat ppl filling the 'thrones' on stage in their ludicrous outfits straight out of black adder. i couldn't help giggling out loud. then i remembered that i don't look much better in my hat. and i stopped pointing and laughing.
all the graduates got announced by their degree and name and then you had to perform the academic doffing and strutting choreography on the catwalk. quite silly. despite the heels, all i could think of while wearing that black cape and silly hat was 'i look a pillock.'
but yeh, the piece of paper is very perty.
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Friday, April 28, 2006
disappointing dumb cunt execution license?
isn't it funny how no matter how low you set your expectations, people still find a way to disappoint you?
wouldn't it be so much more pleasant if you just had the right to drag them behind the barn and let them out of their misery?
'that's it. i'm done - behind the barn, off you go. come on, be a good boy... nonono, don't give me those puppy dog eyes. too late for that shit now...' [makes gun loading motions] '...i promise this will hurt you more than it will hurt me...'or to quote a good friend: 'it's not me babe, it's you...'
a tune for the day: martha wainwright - bloody mother fucking asshole
' bloody mother fucking asshole | oh you bloody mother fucking asshole | oh you bloody mother fucking asshole | oh you bloody mother fucking asshole | oh you bloody mother fucking asshole | oh you bloody...'
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Wednesday, April 26, 2006
quite the weekend coming up
my screen printed linda will milk for all she's worth in an old german castle somewhere in the middle of nowhere in north-east germany. i so fucken wish i could go. the venue is an old castle and you can put your tent up in the garden and then just piss up for the entire w/e while watching video art. yeh, in some things europe does in deed rok.
then on saturday there's an exhibition opening right here in sydney. that one i'll piss up alright. which means that i prolly should start inviting irl bunnies to join me. shit. well any irl syd bunnies reading this, do show up. if you don't already know the venue from my endless irl rants, gimme a call. i'll tell you the details.
so yeh, in other words: i do believe i will be rather drunk for the entire w/e. oh also very perty. i bought the hottest new lil black dress for graduation and i've got two pairs of very hot black pumps short listed just waiting for me to make up my mind between them. one pair pointy toe and the other rounded. rounded me thinks. both very high of course. and porn.
the only downside is that uni is starting to get rather hectic at the same time as i have three assignments due within the next few weeks AND i do believe deviant is around for this w/e instead of going fishing.
now you know that whatsmacallsie that hermione used? yeh. that one. i need one of them.
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Monday, April 24, 2006
...and deep throat to you all!
if you're mind is still drawing a blank, here's something to freshen your memory bunnies:
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Saturday, April 22, 2006
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
you are the bearer of unconditional things | you held your breath and the door for me | thanks for your patience | you're the best listener that i've ever met | you're my best friend | best friend with benefits | what took me so long? | i've never felt this healthy before | i've never wanted something rational | i am aware now | you've already won me over in spite of me | and don't be alarmed if...
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sydney - canberra - bodalla - narooma - jervis bay - nowra - kangaroo valley - sydney
tell you what bunnies, i feel like i need another long weekend just to recover from easter weekend.
but i did survive the challenge. in fact, i had a fantastic time. the whole family was great, a lil bit on the nutty side but oh so entertaining. the crew ended up being me and deviant, his father and stepmum, his 21yo bro, 11 & 13 yo sisters and a fourty-something family friend. all fully qualified pissheads (well xcept the girls, but they'll get there for sure. the young one tried to steal my bloody bottle every time i looked away!)

it has been years and years since i've felt a part of something like that. experiencing a family holiday that is. see having all my family back on the other side of the world kinda makes these public holidays and shit quite the lonely experience for me.

the sea was going apeshit, so the men couldn't really fish at all. naturally, they hit the piss instead. which was great. basically the trip was just a full on four day bender with incredible scenery and sight seeing.

i even went for a swim. after a massive night on sunday, i went for a swim with deviant and the 11yo lil sis on monday morning. heals the hangover i tell you. seems to be annual this swimming shit for me: three years and three times.
let's see if i'll get a piccie or two of my own to post in a few days. these pics were stolen from nsw tourism site. bad quality but gives the idea...
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
... and to make matters worse, it's a four day camping trip! [insert here panic no.2]
i mean seriously, bunnies, how am i meant to pull this one off? first of all i need to play the nice girl role for four days in a row while stepping down from my beloved high heels and leaving my hair dryer at home! ME! *points at self vigorously* no heels! no make-up! no girly frilly bits! yeh, i know: i'm fucked.
oh well, hopefully it will at least be warm enough for bikinis...
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
cow on tour!
i just received an email from berlin again. the curator who first happened to come across Milking The Cow online wants to screen the video at two new venues in germany.
he was also very keen on seeing any new work i had done. now i really need to get The Nature of a-Muse: 1.0 Squirty happening a.s.a.p. if i could get it done within the next few weeks i might get it screened in an old german castle!
mind you, i love the idea of having Milking The Cow screened in an old castle. fucken priceless! i just wish i could be there to witness it myself.
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Monday, April 10, 2006
'i'm still hot, it just comes in flashes now...'
see, i watched this useless chick flick this weekend. you know, one of those that you don't really want to admit having watched and that are usually only 'allowed' if you are tied to your seat on a friggen long flight from here to nowhere. yes. i watched just like heaven.

scheisse as such, but i came out of it with two things: i really liked amos lee's colors song (and proceeded to buy his album from itunes music store) and napoleon dynamite (jon heder) did the role of darryl in the movie. and he was hilarious. oh, and the leading guy was kinda hot.
mebbe i should start to worry... my 'drool-able' man has recently shifted from the 'over-intelligent, arrogant dickhead in a pinstripe suit' to a 'miserable, alcoholic, (chain-smoking in case of bernard black) cynical mess of a man'. i don't even want to begin wondering what the fuck that means... i'll just settle into blaming the black books. bernard is just too good to be true.
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Sunday, April 09, 2006
constructive instead of destructive
this weekend has been constructive. first i fixed my apartment, then i've been fixing myself and getting on top of my uni work. i've been cooking delicious food just for myself, done a good run first thing both mornings and finished it off with proper stretchings and i've spent the rest of the time listening to 'healing' relaxing music (amos lee) and a lot of time thinking about my project concept.
in other words, i've been a very good lil chicky. and what's best, i'm feeling really good too. physically and emotionally. i feel happy, healthy and on top of things. it's all good.
deviant is also healing his soul this weekend. he's out fishing with his mates and no doubt having the time of his life. which is good. and even better if he comes back with some fresh fish and cooks dinner for me.
i think i'll type another couple of hundred words to my project proposal and join my mates for a few rounds of lawn bowling in the sun. must enjoy the company of my hottie norwegian friend before she heads back home on tuesday.
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Labels: exercise
Friday, April 07, 2006
what a drama!
where the fuck was noah when i needed him, huh?
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Tuesday, April 04, 2006
oh the nostalgy!
fucken priceless. enough said.
he's been influencing my taste in music quite a bit. i've been listening to stuff like dave matthews band, john buttler trio, as well as other acoustic guitar based stuff but also heavier stuff like tool, system of a down, and of course lots of nine inch nails, velcra and rammstein.
the only 'softer' shit that i've been listening to lately is the new scandinavian music group album. it's incredible. mind you i find it borderline scary how terhi's lyrics always seem to hit the spot so well. whenever they come out with a new album, it seems to fit my current life situation spot on. especially tracks ylpeä sydän and valmis have been on my itunes playlist constantly for the past week or so. strongly recommended for any of you finnish speaking bunnies out there.
but you old sentimental cu- *cough* bunnies reading my rants, get your hands on the classic alice cooper and nirvana albums and crank them out as loud as they deserve to be. (sorry neighbours!)
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Monday, April 03, 2006
snapping out of it
i am happy.
and i have been too busy being happy to realise it. i've been too busy enjoying every second of it to step back for long enough to see it for what it is. a part of it has to do with who and what i am today. a part of it has to do with where i am. and i dare say a part is also owed to the people i get to share these moments with.
and as the sugar on top, a part of it is due to waking up in the middle of the night to being snuggled up closer by someone wonderful.
no need to assign labels. no need for definition whatsoever beyond the fact that i am a very happy little chicky right here, right now in this moment.
now why would i need anything else?
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now where did that week go???
we were planning to go and see v for vendetta in the cinemas on saturday, but after a few fuckups we missed the session. so instead, we ended up heading back to coogee to his mate's place and watching house of wax on telly.
you know those movies that feel like slowly pulling off your fingernails? yeh. it was like that. only worse: it had paris hilton on it. quite the conundrum really: it was painful to watch, but at the same time you really, REALLY wanted to see paris die...
then on sunday we watched the weight of water and the last samurai in an attempt to avoid doing anything productive. worked pretty well actually. the boy made me watch the last samurai and i have to admit that even tho it was quite the cock flick - AND had freak-a-zoid cruise on it - was still a lot better than i expected. so i don't really know if it was a good movie, or if my expectations just were REALLY low.
then on the way to my place on sunday, he took me to another amazingly beautiful spot by the water. made me remember once again why i love sydney. honestly bunnies, there is no place like this. sydney is just incredible.
we had a pub feed at the courty in newtown, but fuck me that place has gone downhill. not worth the trouble anymore. actually, i've been thinking abt newtown. maybe you just develop a certain tolerance towards the dodgyness so that you don't really notice it while you're living there. it seemed like such a nice place a year ago, but now i'm thinking that there's no way i'd ever move back there. too fucken dodgy.
besides all the 'alternative' people kinda tend to shit me. but then again, most of the ppl do. shit me that is.
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