crazy thursday
yesterday was great! i didn't have time to sit still for a sec. this was the schedule for the day:
- 0700-0900 - train to uni
0900-1300 - setup and prepare for assessment
1300-1600 - assessment
1600-1800 - train back home
*papow* - when the fuck do i glam up???
1800-2000 - exhibition opening at artspace
1800-2000 - preview night at the auction house
*papow* - how the fuck will i make it to both???
2100-0000 - get shitfaced with old flatties
first i spent the whole day at uni, getting our "painting" collaboration assessed with paul. i reckon it went pretty well and just hanging all our prints on the wall gave us so many new ideas what to do with them and how to push it further.

after the assessment, i ran straight to the train station and went back to newtown, got changed and just when i thought i was going to get away with nice pants and a shirt, i receive an email from skye (my boss) saying that "dresscode is a bit glam". fuck.
out of the pants and running around my room trying to find something a bit more glam. well, than gawd i had just shopped the perfect dress a couple of weeks ago, dolled up full on glam with all the 15 mins that i had to spend, ran downstairs and daniel (my video art lecturer and skye's husband) was waiting for me outside already.
we drove straight to the artspace to see the kingpins and monica tichacek exhibition opening (video installations). ran in, saw the works and 6,5 mins later ran out, back to the car and drove to the preview night. (monica tichacek's work looked pretty fucken awesome btw. i'm definitely going back to see the whole work at a time when i can appreciate the audio as well. because it was the opening night, the space was full of loud people and you couldn't hear shit.)
drove to the auction house, ran in and mingled with the rich. i don't think i've been quite so out of my comfort zone too many times in my entire life. there we are, drinking (fucken excellent) white wine, in this space that's filled with ridiculously expensive shit that i would never spend my money on. i nearly placed my wine glass on a $150 000 table. then we went around test sitting all these antique couches just for fun. the jewelry was cool tho. cool and very, very expensive. me and skye came to the conclusion that we definitely need sponsors. definitely.
mind you, when everyone else was looking at the auction shit, i was just looking at the shoes that all the rich bitches had. now that's where i'd put my money to, not a bloody $150 000 table...
then i ran to pick up sunshine from work and we went back to newtown for drinkies with my dear friend lynnie and alyssa was there too. it was great to see the ladies again. and it looks like lynnie might just end up as my flatmate again! yay!

out of the pants and running around my room trying to find something a bit more glam. well, than gawd i had just shopped the perfect dress a couple of weeks ago, dolled up full on glam with all the 15 mins that i had to spend, ran downstairs and daniel (my video art lecturer and skye's husband) was waiting for me outside already.
we drove straight to the artspace to see the kingpins and monica tichacek exhibition opening (video installations). ran in, saw the works and 6,5 mins later ran out, back to the car and drove to the preview night. (monica tichacek's work looked pretty fucken awesome btw. i'm definitely going back to see the whole work at a time when i can appreciate the audio as well. because it was the opening night, the space was full of loud people and you couldn't hear shit.)
drove to the auction house, ran in and mingled with the rich. i don't think i've been quite so out of my comfort zone too many times in my entire life. there we are, drinking (fucken excellent) white wine, in this space that's filled with ridiculously expensive shit that i would never spend my money on. i nearly placed my wine glass on a $150 000 table. then we went around test sitting all these antique couches just for fun. the jewelry was cool tho. cool and very, very expensive. me and skye came to the conclusion that we definitely need sponsors. definitely.
mind you, when everyone else was looking at the auction shit, i was just looking at the shoes that all the rich bitches had. now that's where i'd put my money to, not a bloody $150 000 table...
then i ran to pick up sunshine from work and we went back to newtown for drinkies with my dear friend lynnie and alyssa was there too. it was great to see the ladies again. and it looks like lynnie might just end up as my flatmate again! yay!
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