flashback of the day - 1995

here i am, 17 yrs old miss tanya "tart" poodle (in the middle) dressed up as the russian nurse from hell with a big red water gun (i'm sure it made more sense back then) and abt to climb on stage as a background dancer for the fantastic drag queen duo transparent (later on known as the school girls). other half of the duo, gorgeous miss lassie on the left.
and on the right, there's also my best friend mira bell wearing my ever so perty barbie top and the lovable transparent original skirt made from a kiddy rain coat that said "i may look funny but i'm not wet like you"
Onpa tytöt kauniina!
Mikäs Mirasta tuli "isona"?
mira bell on nykyaan graafikko printtipuolella. yhta kaunis, lahjakas ja kaistapaa kuin aina ennenkin...
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