yay! net at home again!
the net is FINALLY working again. no more running to the comp labs and using those pathetic excuses of a computer to piss me off.
i lodged my application to change uni today. kinda scary since it's quite a big step.
i also realised that my toefl score got old a month ago. one-fucken-month. if they are going to force me to do a new 160us$ test even though i've been living in here since i took the previous one i'll go bloody ballistic, i can promise you that.
everyone is starting to get pretty hyped up abt the ball already and i reckon it'll be a fantastic night out. the restaurant is on elizabeth st. in the city and it's supposed to be a v. nice place too. tho i know that no matter what the place is like this time, it will be better than the last place we went to.
we had our mid-year thingy at the bondi golf club. i don't even want to know who's bright idea it was to choose a place just by checking their website instead of actually seeing it irl. anyways, it
was the dodgiest joint i've ever set my foot in. (yes, even worse than pioneer's) but since the place was so horrid, everyone just got shitfaced record speed and it ended up being a great night out. i think the bus stopped for a hurl break 4 times on our way back.
i can tell you, bunnies, that it's a hilarious sight seeing a row of 4-8 chicks in formal frocks nicely side by side hurling their guts out in a very non-lady-like manner. thank gawd i was passed out in the bus by this point and did not witness that.
uni life. gotta love it.
1 comment:
Hi. It's me again.
Seen that, I live on the rez as well. Sad, or something. Mercifully forgetting about the whole thing next day is v. nice as well... ;)
Um. and since I have no blogger account but do have a journal (refusing stubbornly to call it a blog since it's got nothing to do with actual "real" blogging), here's the url: www.student.oulu.fi/~estarck/journal.html
The bloody thing is in mangled Finnish, but I'm thinking abt a language change...
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