Wednesday, August 25, 2004


damn this printmaking shit is full on physical workout! i just finished filing the edges of my 8 printing plates and my right arm feels like spaghetti atm. i gotta learn how to do it with my left hand too so that i can make the workout more even :P

and i'm hungry. i think i'll go and cook the chicken i marinated yesterday and make myself a big bowl of super-yummy chicken salad.


Anonymous said...

me waves, then turns his back and walks away.

Richard said...

continues walking...

tp said...

nono, not korean anymore, this week it's an indonesians. haven't started reading yet (yeh yeh, lazy lil ole me) but i'm hoping that it'll be better than last week.

person said...


tp said...

ooh, exciting! new readers, thanks for the comments hunnies, it warms my heart to know that some poor fucker actually reads my mindless ramblings :)

Anonymous said...

And another 'poor fucker' reports for duty :P