Monday, June 18, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
winter notes with a cup of coffee
bloody winter alright!
'it snowed, hailed and rained across sydney, and we can expect more of the same in the days ahead' - smhi'm a very lucky lil chicky to have a gorgeous whole body heater to keep me warm during the winter nights. as a bonus he also got me an actual heater to keep me warm while drinking my morning coffee.
i realise that a week is a VERY short time to assess such a social experiment, but i guess i just need to keep evaluating as we go. having said that, i'm absolutely loving it so far!
its wonderful to come home after a day at the office and have him here waiting for me, or even better have him meeting me when i get off just so he can walk home with me. we've set up beautiful candle lit dinners with wine pretty much every night, and i love watching movies all cosy and warm snuggled up in his arms.
its the little things that make it turn into everyday luxury instead of just everyday.
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Thursday, June 14, 2007
loving the new safari!
for you bunnies who already haven't done so: get the new safari browser!
blogger editor doesn't seem to work too well on safari.
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Wednesday, June 13, 2007
bloody brilliant!
finally an alarm clock that will stop you from snoozing endlessly:

snuznluz alarm clock connects to your online bank account and donates your precious dollars to an organisation you hate every time you hit the snooze button.
bloody brilliant i say. also, evil.
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Monday, June 11, 2007
life between the shoeboxes... and the fishing reels?
looks like i'm going to have to tidy up my shoeboxes in order to make some room for the fishing reels... deviant moved in on saturday.
i nearly cracked up when he showed up. like the proper rock boy he is, the man shows up carrying a backpack and a guitar case. and that was it. heh. shouldn't have expected anything less i suppose.
he was actually supposed to come down already on friday, but due to newcastle turning into a full blown disaster zone, there was no way of getting out of newcastle on friday. even on saturday, his friend had to drive him all the way to sydney, because there was no public transport running what so ever. insane times.
i'm actually quite stoked to have my gorgeous full body heater around for the winter. nothing beats being cuddled to sleep under a warm doona when its cold outside. also, the luxurious feasts that this man cooks for me are pretty awesome. i'm being spoiled rotten and loving it!
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Friday, June 08, 2007
fuck beached whales...
this is beyond fucked up.
here's a couple of fucked up shots deviant took in newcastle yesterday. apparently there was cars abandoned all over the place. looked like something out of a bloody zombie movie!

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Thursday, June 07, 2007
kevin smith to do a porn comedy?
i just read a rumour that kevin smith is to write and direct a porn comedy by the name of 'zack and miri make a porno'.
as a full blown kevin smith fan, this makes me tingle inside with anticipation and i can't wait to hear the dialogue. i doubt he can outdo clerks, but fuck i'd love to see him try!
'try not to suck any dick on the way through the parking lot!'the film itself sounds like a smith-esque take on irvine welsh's porno. but i'm sure kevin can bring in the donkey shows, porch monkeys and of course jay & silent bob.
can't wait.
all this movie talk makes me feel like a lil smith-a-thon... starting with clerks and finishing off with clerks 2, visiting all the goodies on the way. now i just need to find a crew who's up for it.
btw bunnies, if you come across smith screenplays, do point me to the right direction. i wouldn't mind having them sitting on my bookshelf for inspiration purposes...
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Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
the new dictionary according to tp:
- to appear as a weak female in trouble in order to achieve an advantage against potential competition.
- to use one's feminine abilities to inspire a male to perform certain tasks that are made to appear as 'much too hard, tiresome and/or complicated for a simple and weak female to perform'.
damsel-in-distress·ing·ly, adverb
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Sunday, June 03, 2007
you know what's my cue? some one pulling out the good ole 'see? my crotch is just not smelly enough. i hate it when that happens...' line. that's when its time to exit the party.
seriously tho, it was all good fun. even if there was no pointing and laughing at the geek.
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