it's been a great weekend for a low budget one. i've had two fantastic nights out and practically spent no money at all.
on fri we went out at newtown with a selection of my work mates. and somehow the boys ended up buying all the drinks. you gotta luv a gentleman.
the mario bros were there and while luigi behaved, mario did a very flaming rant on tits. and in this case, on my tits.
'ooh! and they smell like vanilla! i love vanilla!' what is it about poofs and the fascination on titties?
heh. i told luigi that i had to leave early on fri cause i took the train home. he gave me a funny look and then cracked up going: [insert here german accent]
'the train? you took the train home??? oh! i can still remember those student days!' [/german accent] heh. cunt.

and last night i joined the mario bros once more to do the
mardi gras. i decided to go with the 80's butchy punk slut look and wore my hideous eagle tank top. none of the dykes had a go tho. the girly long fingernails are always a dead set give away.

didn't end up spending a cent. mind you, i did skip the after party. but the perv was all good and worth it. my feet were too sore from standing on the edges of that bloody milk crate by the time the parade finished anyway. but these guys are great fun. must make sure to drag my arse out with them more often.
looks like today will be a busy one too. i'm meeting
muscles at 11 for coffee and we're planning to conquer mca and mebbe catch an early flick afterwards. it's good to catch up with him, since i don't get to spend time with him at uni anymore.
deviant has been out of town and is getting back today. so the plan is to catch up with him later tonight. he's going away for a week starting from monday so i better stock up before he goes.